Polish History Museum polski

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Ukraine – Call for Action

Ukraine – Call for Action

There are no better or worse nations. Nations want to live and prosper in peace. It is their governments that want to start wars – said Jan Karski in 1996 in a lecture in his hometown of Łódź, Poland.

It was Vladimir Putin who started the war with Ukraine. He is supported by the usurpatory President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko. At this time, the Russian Army has reached Kyiv. There are already casualties – injured and killed. Hundreds of thousands are fleeing to the West for safety. In Belarus, over 1,000 political prisoners, including the recipient of the 2021 Spirit of Jan Karski Award Maria Kalesnikava, Andrzej Poczobut, and Anzhelica Borys are serving years of unjust imprisonment.

We are with the innocent victims of the totalitarian regimes and call for action against the escalation of the war.