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The Jan Karski Story Goes Live on Twitter

The new Karski Twitter feed The new Karski Twitter feed

On Tuesday, February 25, the Jan Karski Educational Foundation launched its first Twitter feed, @JanKarskiStory. Through a series of brief messages, called “tweets,” the campaign will chronicle the remarkable story of Jan Karski. Written in the first person -- as if Karski himself were chronicling his adventurous life -- the tweets will depict his work as a courier for the Polish Underground during World War II.

The Foundation will tweet multiple times each week throughout 2014, the centennial year of Karski's birth. Through Twitter's unique functionality, followers will be able to read every tweet and thus can follow the story line chronologically. This provides the ability for anyone, at any point in time, to start the story from the beginning. 

A popular social media service, Twitter is a unique and exciting way to share Karski’s story with the younger generation (and the media savvy middle aged!). Through following the account, sharing tweets with others by “retweeting,” and replying to tweets with comments and opinions, @JanKarskiStory provides a highly interactive means through which people can learn about Karski’s life and legacy.

The tweets, based on Karski’s book Story of a Secret State, will be written by five supporters, Marysia Belka, Joe Kurowski, Frances Cayton, Patrick Peczerski, and Holly Robertson and will be edited by Stephen Szypulski. Webmaster Jane Robbins, Holly Robertson and the Foundation's Bozena U. Zaremba are leading the effort. Everyone is invited to follow the account, retweet the tweets, and share Karski’s story with friends and colleagues.

Click here to read and follow @JanKarskiStory!