Polish History Museum polski

“Karski My Hero” Website Launched

Iteractive map of places connected with Jan Karski Iteractive map of places connected with Jan Karski

Where did Karski spend his childhood? Where did his work for the Polish Underground take him? What routes did he travel during his perilous missions? Where did he live in the US? Which world cities recognize Karski’s accomplishments and honor his legacy? You can find answers to all these questions and more on the interactive website “Karski My Hero” at www.en.karskimyhero.pl, devoted to the places connected with the legendary emissary.

This bilingual (English and Polish) portal is a virtual gold mine of information about Jan Karski, his life and his missions. It will help you travel in Karski’s footsteps and dig into the core of the whereabouts of this extraordinary man. You can go chronologically, step by step, or jump from one place on the map to another. It is especially recommended for students and educators alike.

Are you ready to take this journey? Ready. Steady. Go!


Please see more information about "Karski My Hero" project here.

The project has received financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.